Wednesday, March 19, 2014

近頃 (These Days)

近頃、気が散ることが沢山あります。 私は残業をしなくちゃいけませんでした。 私はあまり勉強していませんでした。 1月に私は病気になりました。 それは腎臓結石だったので、私はその日一日入院しなければなりませんでした。 今は元気です。 私が勉強を始めたとき、私の妻が病気になりました。 私も冬のうつ病を患っています。 いつも疲れています。 集中は困難です。 私も多くの力を失います。 もっと日の光を浴びたいです。 私は暑い気候の中で育ちました。
暑い時は、調子がいいです! 私はまだフェイスブックで日本語のコメントを書いています。 私はすぐに日本語の勉強に戻りたいです!

These days, there are many distractions! I had to work overtime. I did not study very hard. I was sick in January. Because it was kidney stone, I had to be hospitalized for a day. I'm fine now. When I started studying, my wife became ill. I am also suffering from winter depression. I'm always tired. Concentration is difficult. I also lost a lot of energy. I need more sunlight. I grew up in a hot climate. When I'm hot, I feel good! I'm still writing Japanese comments on Facebook. However, I want to return to study Japanese soon!

>My lack of knowledge of Japanese limits my English as well. I write simple English  in order to write Japanese that I can translate. As I learn more grammar and expressions, this should change. However, I made a mistake of adding too many "I's"。。 私's! In Japanese, it is normal to omit the pronoun when it is obvious. Of course, I can't do this in English. To follow rules of good English composition, I can't repeat my "I's" either! So, it is necessary to change the order of my thoughts to make my English sound more fluid. It is a simple matter in most cases, but I haven't been well these past few months and really haven't been in a frame of mind to write more naturally. I hope to feel more like myself soon!

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