オーク・リッジでは3月と4月に漕艇の試合があります。 毎年、多くの大学は、この時期に競い合います。シーズンの幕開けはトレーニングからです 。 漕艇の試合は地域経済のために良いです。 学生はホテルやレストランでお金を使います。 この川はレースに適しているため、この地域が選ばれました。 以前はレースをよく見に行っていました。 近頃、とてもこんでいるので、行きません。
In March and April, there are rowing competitions here in Oak Ridge. Every year, many universities compete on this occasion. Currently, the season begins with training sessions. This is good for the local economy. Students will spend money on hotels and restaurants. This area was chosen, because the river is suitable for racing. I use to go watch the races. These days, I don't go, because it's really crowded!
I learned a new word, 開幕する 「まくあき~する」。It means the beginning or opening of a festival or event. This word is very useful for my entry. So, it feels more like a term than a simple word. Searching for a proper word in Japanese from English can be difficult. When I can't find a suitable word, I will often fashion an expression from English words and translate into Japanese. Of course, this will sound strange or perhaps even comical to my Japanese friends! They read my journal and with their knowledge of English, correct me by introducing new words or terms that is natural to them. I couldn't be more grateful for their generous help!